Barcelona Sheet Music

Coming Together (flute, viola, piano)

Оригинальное название Coming Together
КомпозиторMarianne Milde
ИздательOLC Barcelona Sheet Music
Жанр Камерная музыка
ИнструментыФортепиано, Флейта, Альт
Состав исполнителейТрио
Тип нотПартитура
Время звучания 223
Уровень сложности Средний уровень
Original work by the swedish composer Marianne Milde. Piece defined as "interplay between three different instruments".
You can have a look to the score sample and listen to the sound sample, considering that it is not a human performance.
You can find more Milde's works in our catalogue as well as all kinds of sheet music. Browse our website!

Дата публикации: 20 сен 2011