Barcelona Sheet Music

Canon in D – Jazz version for piano solo

Título original Pachelbel Canon Jazz Arrangement
CompositorJohann Pachelbel
Arranjador OLC Barcelona Sheet Music
EditorOLC Barcelona Sheet Music
Gênero Instrumental
Chave Dó (C) maior
Pontuado paraSolo
Tipo de pontuaçãoFor a single performer
Duração 190
Dificuldade Medium
This arrangement is unique and you won't find it published by someone else that is not me.
This version consists in a jazzy version of this known piece of music. Begins balade-like and continues like a bossa.
Despite of the title says "canon in D" the key is C.
If you like playing jazz more freely, there is another OlopCall arrangement with the chords written in american style (Canon in D jazz version with chords) . Look for it on our page.

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data da postagem: 05 jun 2011

OLC Barcelona Music
02 ago 2011
Don't hesitate to listen to the audio sample, check the score preview or ask any questions at
14 set 2011
Wow! It's awesome! I can't wait to start studying and playing it!!
30 set 2011
Really good.
11 out 2011
Great work! Really good.
11 out 2011
funny version! thanx!