Barcelona Sheet Music

A Carousel's Last Song

CompositorRobert Dukerich
Arranjador OLC Barcelona Sheet Music
EditorOLC Barcelona Sheet Music
Gênero Peça
Chave Dó (C) menor
Ano da composição 2008
Tipo de pontuaçãoFor a single performer
Dificuldade Medium
Robert Dukerich finally publishes the sheet music for A Carousel's Last Song, transcribed by OLC Barcelona Sheet Music services - - from his audio recording.

"...Oh, this love. Took a thousand rides. On a big spinning carousel.
We took our final ride on the carousel..." --Tanya Chua

"A Carousel's Last Song" is more then just an improvational piece or a
waltz. It rediscovers the beauty and magic of a carousel that had
created memories for the riders before it, one last and final time.
This piece plays as a "Variation of a Theme" throughout with the
majestic of a waltz. Ranged as Intermediate to slightly advanced, you
too can enjoy the tribute of a grand carousel, as it sings its song
one final time.

data da postagem: 10 abr 2013
Total de downloads: 53